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Duesseldorf International Exhibition of Tourism and nature

The Duesseldorf International Exhibition of Tourism and nature will be hold in Duesseldorf international exhibition between 31 Aug to 2 sep.

Register in The Duesseldorf International Exhibition of Tourism and nature

Booth reserve in Duesseldorf International Exhibition of Tourism and nature

Tour to visit Duesseldorf International Exhibition of Tourism and nature

The Duesseldorf International Exhibition of Tourism and nature will be hold in Duesseldorf international exhibition between 31 Aug to 2 sep.

TourNatur provides a unique overview of destinations on all five continents. The nature lover’s premier trade show will bring together the proprietors of some of the finest nature in the world with tour providers and experienced nature explorers. This show will offer sumptuous displays of still and moving images of premier nature locations, an opportunity to network with tour and conservation people, and some of the most experienced nature tour veterans. Included will be documentary films on varied topics such as the world’s flora and introducing children to nature.

Visit Duesseldorf International Exhibition of Tourism and nature

What will you find in TourNatur?

  • Foreign & domestic tourism promotion organizations,
  • Cultural heritage organizations,
  • Tour operators, agencies & accommodation centres,
  • Recreational complexes,
  • Airlines, railways, travel cars
  • Publications, cultural department of embassies,
  • Travel equipment, training centres.

The right advice is essential for finding equipment suited to individual requirements. For this trained experts will be on hand at TourNatur in the “TourParcours” Equipment Centre. Independent hiking experts will provide information here on modern functional textiles and key items of equipment.

This year, too, focal themes will be highlighted at various stations. For instance, there will be targeted information on such topics as “Trekking” or “Hiking for Beginners”. Many well-known outdoor and equipment firms will have technical equipment and their collections on sale at the event. Visitors wishing to add to or update their clothing or equipment are sure to find what they are looking for here.

For any type of stand design and construction such as special decoration, octanorm, and Maxima click here.


Booking booth at  Duesseldorf International Exhibition of Tourism and nature

Booth reservation


Exhibition tours for  Duesseldorf International Exhibition of Tourism and nature

Tour request


Booth design in exhibitions  Duesseldorf International Exhibition of Tourism and nature

Booth building


Exhibition venue

  • Duesseldorf International Exhibition

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