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The Design and Decoration of Exhibition Stands 1




Access to a stabilized and multilateral growth in economy requires pursuing fit patterns of economical development. The experience of countries, especially those of Eastern Asia, is explicable to the subject that countries have properly utilized that they have achieved a high and stable growth of economy.

non-oil exports replacement policy for providing the required country exchange namely the incentive policies for country industries for producing import goods and export of other articles to other countries has been under the care of consideration more than ever.   In this direction, anything that can assist to develop non-oil exports policy makers, planners, and economy activists should attend to it. One of the important tools for flourishing exports and doing activity in advertisement and marketing of goods and services are fairs. The key principles of any exhibitions are the stand of any participant company for the presentation and demonstration of goods and services. The make-up and decoration of stands has been one of the effective advertisement devices and its importance is in such a way that in industrial countries with independent management it serves as in presenting good and services and it can be said that stands in fairs would be as the identity card of a company and stand holder.

Exhibition Stand

The actual meaning of stand is the sense of composing environment for location of exhibition or a place for goods sales and services.

Stand is mainly a pattern of participants’ work of art. If it has more innovations in designing and setting it would reflect the reality of companies personification much better, and so the design, make up, setting and management should be in such a manner that it would shine like a shop window, and so to show the philosophy of the company’s entity, and the subject of the company’s activity. So as a country which holds a lot of international fairs yearly, according to worlds acceptable standards Iran’s stands should have the following features as well:

  • The necessary appealing
  • Harmonization with the exhibition of the type of goods
  • Suitable place status
  • Intelligibility of the designer message for lookers-on
  • Fit designing in contrast with presentable goods

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