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The Design and Decoration of Exhibition Stands 4


Kinds of stands

The stands concerning with the status of position have different definitions and separate divisions such as stand in the covered area and stand in open area but from viewpoints of demonstration corners the stands are defined as follows:

Ordinary stand or Linear stand

The stand row of this stand neighboring with the near stands with a common mutual wall and from one side is over-looking to the isle and is visible to the visitors this stand is known as one lateral stand too. The width and depth of such stands are different and a stand with more width, if it has proper depth, is of high acceptance. To these stands refers to linear stands too due to posing the stands in one line along with other stands.

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Ordinary stand or Linear stand

Ordinary stand or Linear stand

Corner Stand

These stands are neighboring with other stands with a common mutual wall and from the other two sides are in direction of isle and due to visibility from two sides have a higher value and their designs and settings are harder and more expensive. To these kind of stands refers to two sides’ stands or two corners side too.

corner Stand

corner Stand

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Semi Island Stand (End Stand)

These stands have three sides visible to visitors and attract more visitors and from one side it is closed and due to this has a high desirability and attracts more visitors. Considering that, it has three ways to isle they referred to three sides stand too.

Semi Island Stand (End Stand)

Semi Island Stand (End Stand)


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Island Stand

These kinds of stand have ways to the isle from four sides and are accessible and visible from all the corners. The island stand has a high value from the dimension of presentation and advertisement and is of much desirability. The island stand often utilized for showing the heavy machineries and heavy industries and it needs a special designing for other articles so that to have a suitable effect.

Island Stand

Island Stand


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