office, trading and stationery equipment


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End Of Exhibit

50000   Meter

Exhibition Space

1520   Company

Number of participants

Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Frankfurt Germany (paperworld)

Date: 7 to 11 Feb 2026

Venue: Frankfurt Fair Center

Opening Hours: 09:00 to 18:00

Booth reserve in Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Frankfurt Germany (paperworld)

Tour to visit Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Frankfurt Germany (paperworld)

Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Frankfurt Germany is the world’s leading trade fair for the paper, office supplies and stationery sector. At Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Frankfurt Germany, the international trade fair for paper, office supplies and stationery products, you’ll find all the industry’s latest trends and product ideas.

With the unique diversity of products from major brand manufacturers, international newcomers and many others, Paper world is the most important industry forum, source of ideas and order platform for the wholesale and retailer sectors as well as for corporate buyers. By attending Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Frankfurt Germany the international trade fair for paper, office supplies and stationery products – you are right at the heart of business.

Here you will meet important buyers from the wholesale and retail, forge important business contacts and discover new and interesting target groups.

Product Groups of Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Frankfurt Germany

  • Paper and paper products

All kinds of printed paper, cardboard, wall paper, decorative paper and related products.

  • stationery

Pens, pencils, markers, notebooks, notebooks and notebooks.

  • Office and office products

Office equipment devices, desk essentials, management products and office equipment.

  • Special bags and boxes

Bags and boxes for carrying and storing stationery and paper products.

  • Decorations and accessories

Products for decorating work and home environments.

  • Electronic office products

Electronic equipment and products related to office and work environment.

  • Printing supplies and equipment

Printing devices and equipment for paper and commercial products.

The importance of booth construction in Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Frankfurt Germany

By designing and building a booth at the Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Frankfurt Germany, your products can be better exhibited. Success in this event, in addition to participating in the exhibition, requires a professional booth to display the goods.

In this regard, Exhibitionmakers company with 15 years of experience and expertise in the field of booth construction, exhibition registration, exhibition tours and consulting in the field of sales and successful presence in the exhibition, B2B coordination meetings, currency transfer, the need to hold conferences and seminars It is always more responsive than you expect.

Related exhibitions in this activity area
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Dubai Paper and Stationery Exhibition

Dubai Paper and Stationery Exhibition (Paperworld Middle East)

Dubai World Trade Centre

2025/11/11   To   2025/11/13

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Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Turkey Istanbul

Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Turkey Istanbul

Tuyap Fair and congress Center

2026/02/19   To   2026/02/22

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Customer comments

Booking booth at  Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Frankfurt Germany (paperworld)

Booth reservation


Exhibition tours for  Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Frankfurt Germany (paperworld)

Tour request


Booth design in exhibitions  Stationery and Office Supplies Exhibition Frankfurt Germany (paperworld)

Booth building


Exhibition venue

  • Frankfurt Fair Center

Address :
